Narcissistic abuse. Forced surrogacy. Revenge fantasies. These are just a few of the topics Larissa Stupar addresses in her role as vocalist for U.K. death metal outfit Venom Prison. Over a blistering squall of guitars and drums, Stupar screeches, roars, and spits gut-wrenching vitriol against the largely male forces oppressing women around the globe. But make no mistake: Her stance is inclusive. “I identify as a feminist, but I think feminism is not just for women,” she says. Stupar is speaking with us from her flat in Leeds, where she recently moved after living in Wales with the rest of Venom Prison. She’s been residing in the U.K. for four years now; she was born in Russia and spent much of her life in Germany, where she was politically active with animal rights and Antifa groups. “In Germany, I personally think things are more fucked up when it comes to racism and active neo-Nazis, so it was kind of necessary for us to be active and go to marches and protests,” she says. “It doesn’t happen as much in the U.K., but we’re looking to work with some women’s rights groups.” Stupar’s position at the front of a death metal band is an interesting one; death metal has a long and colorful..

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